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We make our Trainees fit for the Future

Now it's official: NOSTA can continue to carry the IHK "Top Ausbildung" seal for the next three years. The corresponding certificate was now handed over to Alischa Reitz from our HR Development department. "The seal certifies that we have a particularly high standard of training," says Alischa Reitz, pleased with the award from the Osnabrück Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

The extension of the seal was preceded by a lot of work. In addition to a comprehensive questionnaire, HR Development also had to undergo an assessment interview, which was attended by an IHK expert as well as three company representatives with a focus on training. "This takes several hours and some of the questions go into great detail," reports Alischa Reitz. A process that requires a lot of preparation.

What else makes the IHK award special? "It helps us to drive the further development of training at our company. Since the first certification in 2018, we have launched a program called Future Apprentice," explains Alischa Reitz. The aim is to prepare apprentices even better for the challenges of the future working world.

Among other things, the "Future Apprentice" program includes additional offers such as regular driver safety training, stays abroad or the acquisition of the Cambridge language certificate. In addition, the constant training and further education of instructors is an important component at NOSTA. "All of this shows that we work very intensively with our trainees and toward their individual potential," says Alischa Reitz.

Here is all the information about training at NOSTA: https://jobs.nosta-group.com/en/pupil/college-students/apprenticeship

Click here for the full press release from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (GERMAN): https://www.ihk.de/osnabrueck/servicemarken/aktuell/pressemeldungen/pressemeldungen-2023/mai-2023/nosta-logistics-gmbh-top-ausbildung-5799596
