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Finally - NOSTA at Transport Logistic 2023

"Finally!" That's a word many of us have been saying more often lately with a good dose of relief. Numerous restrictions determined everyday life in recent years and many things came to a halt. This included many trade shows, which play a major role in networking and initiating new business in any industry. With transport logistic starting today, we are saying, "'Finally!" as well. And for several reasons.

Finally – (Re)connecting with people from the logistics industry

Online meetings have been essential in recent years, and they are likely to shape the future. But a meeting like transport logistic and the personal contacts there cannot be replaced for us. That is why our entire trade fair team is looking forward to the many visitors from all over the world who will be stopping by our stand. Together we will have inspiring conversations and exchange information about the latest industry trends.

Finally - Our first appearance at transport logistic

All or nothing. Now, in the year of our 45th anniversary, the time has finally come: With our own stand in Hall A5 under number 211, we are represented for the first time as a main exhibitor at this important leading trade fair for our industry. On just under 100 square meters, we present our entire service portfolio on two floors.

Finally - focus on sustainability

Our stand concept is all about sustainability. You won't find any disposable promotional items at our stand. Instead, there will be homemade lemonades and simple ways to charge cell phones and the like. In addition, the association "Blut transportiert e.V." will be represented at our stand as a co-exhibitor and will receive a small donation from us for every conversation that takes place at our stand. This way the fight against blood cancer and other blood diseases is supported in the long term.

Come and visit us!

You are coming to transport logistic and want to stop by our stand? Then you can find your direct contact here:

