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New containers? Sustainable containers!

Our containers for combined transport are rolling advertisements. They travel on routes in Germany and the Netherlands, where they are seen by potential customers. When we purchase new containers, however, it is not just a question of appearance. The functionality of the containers must also meet special requirements.

"Our containers need to be able to withstand particularly high loads," explains Maximilian Eggert, who works at our combined transport terminal. Often, a NOSTA container transports several particularly heavy package items with an individual weight of up to two tons. "The containers are also loaded with the help of forklifts. That's extra weight that puts a strain on the container's entry area in particular," Maximilian Eggert knows from his own experience.

When purchasing new containers for combined transport, robustness and durability therefore played a central role. "Unlike common container models, we ordered additional steel bracing in the floor from the manufacturer for this reason. This increases their lifespan," Maximilian Eggert sums it up.

In addition, the NOSTA Rail team relies on high-cube containers, which add 30 centimeters to the loading height and thus enable even larger items to be shipped. The color is also new: The new NOSTA containers come in the color "tomato red". With this color, dirt is significantly less visible and it fits in perfectly with our motto "Logistics to the point".

Interested in containers?

Our previous containers are currently for sale to business owners so that they can be used elsewhere. If you are interested, please contact us via e-mail at kv-terminal@nosta.de.

