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Celebrating 10 years of NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o.

The long-awaited event for the colleagues of our Polish national company took place in June 2024. Together, they celebrated 10 years of building and being a team that provides logistics solutions for customers from Poland and throughout Europe. Here is their report:

“The anniversary celebrations took place at the Unicorn restaurant on the premises of Sopot's Hippodrome. We celebrated this special time in our ‘company’ team. There were many memories and conversations. A shared dinner allowed us to pause for a moment. There were also many attractions: our anniversary evening was highlighted by the performance of the Sopot illusionist Kajetan Bielecki - we can reveal that it was surprising!

Our company has already existed for 10 years, and this would not have been possible without the support and trust that our employees and business partners have shown us over all these years. We would like to thank once again everyone who has contributed to the development of the company and its services. 10 years is not only an occasion to celebrate, but also to reflect on how far we have come and how much more we can achieve. We are ready for more years full of challenges and successes.

The photos capture the atmosphere not only of the anniversary, but also of the relationship between us at NOSTA Logistik. We simply enjoy working together, but also celebrating together.”

We wish our colleagues in Poland all the best for the next ten years of NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o.!
