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NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o.

Our Standard: Highest Quality

Pan-European shipments in the part and full load segment are the focus of our NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o. in Poland – which is part of the NOSTA Group since 2014. And that's not all: from deep-frozen transports and express deliveries to promotional and furniture logistics to extensive warehousing activities. Our employees at the Sopot, Wrocław and Warsaw sites will gladly support you as consultants, industry experts and service providers in a variety of areas. Benefit from competence, holistic solutions and a sympathetic, personal support, always at eye level.

NOSTA Sea & Air - Your Experts on the Waves and Over the Clouds Internationally

Our Sea & Air office in Sopot, Poland, offers you a comprehensive service portfolio for your worldwide procurement and distribution logistics. From international ocean freight and air freight shipments to intermodal project logistics and customs clearance – we develop tailor-made logistics solutions for you.

    Portrait Magdalena Guzowska

    Magdalena Guzowska
    Managing Director NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o. Sopot
    E-Mail: poland@nosta.de

    Contact details

    NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o. - Sopot
    Al. Niepodległości 781
    81-805 Sopot
    Tel: +48 58 559 28 65

    Route planner

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    *Mandatory Field

    Siegel Zertifizierung Umwelt und Qualität

    Certificat ISO 9001

    Our certified quality management ensures that our services meet the highest quality standards at all times and in all places.

    Zertifizierung IFS

    Certificat IFS Logistics

    With the IFS Logistics certificate in the current version, we demonstrate the quality of our services at our location with regard to product quality and safety.

    Gütesiegel GMP+ Zertifizierung

    Certificat GMP+

    With the GMP+ certificate, we demonstrate high safety and quality standards in the logistical handling of feed.

    NOSTA Group Core Products

    Unit Road

    • Partial Loads and Complete Loads
    • Promotional and Commercial Logistics
    • Time-Critical Transports
    • Heavy Loads
    • Silo Transports

    Unit Sea & Air

    • Sea Freight
    • Air Freight
    • Project Loads
    • Intermodal

    Unit Rail

    • Combined Transports
    • Hazardous Goods/Containers
    • Intermodal

    Unit Contract Logistics

    • Warehouse Logistics
    • Order picking & packing
    • Inventory Management
    • Distribution
    • Value Added Services
    • Dedicated or Multi-User Locations

    Unit Solutions

    • Supply Chain Consulting
    • Process and Project Management
    • Supply Chain Analyses
    • Development of new Logistics Services
    • Logistical Partnerships
    • Mergers & Acquisitions

    Unit eCommerce

    • Goods receipt / Goods issue / Warehousing
    • Small parts picking
    • Online parcel shipping via courier service
    • Returns management
    • Value Added Services
    • Marketplace and webshop integration
    • B2B/B2C omni-channel management