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Tobias Brandt new COO of NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH

We are filling the management position at Sea & Air GmbH in Germany with Tobias Brandt. After Peter Mundt took up his role as COO (Chief Operating Officer) Sea & Air in the global Management Board of the Group, Brandt will take over the vacant executive position in the German Sea & Air company as COO from January 1, 2023. Under his leadership, NOSTA will increasingly bring transport services by ship and air to customers across countries.

"With this long-planned personnel change, we are ensuring undivided attention to the German sea and air freight market," says Nicolas Gallenkamp, CEO of NOSTA Holding GmbH. Mundt's appointment to the holding company's management board and Brandt's appointment as German managing director ensure both the global and national development of the business unit.

The first task of the new COO and his team of 60 colleagues is to expand the customer base. The intention is to sell services to existing customers from other NOSTA divisions, as well as winning over new customers with imports and exports to the United States. The latter customers can benefit in particular from our U.S. branch in Chicago, Illinois. 

"Part of our growth strategy is to unlock and utilize synergies that already exist between the business units and between the various country markets," Brandt explains. In this way, NOSTA can offer customers a wide range of services without the need for external partners. "When transporting from Germany to the U.S. - or vice versa - NOSTA is on the spot on both sides."

Taking over the managing director position was already certain when Tobias Brandt was hired in mid-2021 - a plan which, according to Peter Mundt, has worked out perfectly: "After a successful induction and a smooth transition, we know our German sea and air freight business is in the best hands with Tobias Brandt."

The 42-year-old has already been managing the sales development and handling of NOSTA products in the USA, such as the company's own weekly containerized LCL and air freight consolidation services, for around one and a half years as a business developer under Peter Mundt. Prior to that, Brandt worked in key positions in various transport and logistics companies, including as Sales Manager Germany for an Australian freight forwarding group.
