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Bear Strong Support

Our Sponsorship for a Buddy Bear

The Osnabrück Zoo has grown: Almost 100 colorful and imaginatively painted Buddy Bears can be admired for the next five weeks at the exhibition "United Buddy Bears - The Art of Tolerance" at the Zoo. It is a colorful travelling exhibition that promotes more peace, tolerance and international understanding worldwide.

"We need to get to know each other better in order to understand one another, trust each other and live better together "- this is the important message of the tiny bears. The approximately one meter high sculptures were individually designed by artists of the United Nations. They represent "joie de vivre" and the diverse cultures of their home countries. But there is more: the bears help the Osnabrück Zoo, or more precisely the lions, as well as children's projects. Through sponsorships the zoo collected donations. Numerous companies from the region took part in the project - and so did we! Our company has taken over the sponsorship for the bearish representative from Chile and thus supports the association "Lions for Lions", which collects financial means for the enlargement of the lion enclosure as well as the work of the foundation "A Future for Children", which supports the association "SOS Children's Village" with € 500 per bear sponsorship.

Thanks to the massive support of the companies from the region, a donation of over € 30,000 has been collected for the "SOS Children's Village". The amount will be handed over to the "SOS Children's Village" on the 23rd of November 2019 at the 2nd Children's Charity Gala in Osnabrück.

Welcoming the Buddy Bears: On Saturday, the 22nd of June 2019, the animal friends were warmly welcomed to the Osnabrück Zoo. Christian Wulff, former Federal President of Germany, and patron of the exhibition Boris Pistorius, Minister of the Interior and Sports of Lower Saxony, among others, gathered on the exhibition grounds near the "Monkey Temple" for the opening ceremony. Together with the Herlitz couple from Berlin, who founded the Buddy Bears, representatives of the association "SOS Children's Village" and the foundation "A Future for Children" as well as numerous sponsors of the supporting companies opened the exhibition.

Note: The exhibition "United Buddy Bears - The Art of Tolerance" can be visited from the 22nd of June to the 28nd of July at the Osnabrück Zoo. The exhibition is included in the regular entrance fee.

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