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NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o. celebrates 10 years

The year 2024 is a special time for our Polish national company NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o. - it was 10 years ago on May 15 that the company started its activities! However, it all started back in 1978, when a small transport company was founded in Osnabrueck, Germany. Over the past 46 years, NOSTA Group has expanded its reach worldwide and across all modes of transport. 

After its first years, NOSTA Group increasingly focused on developing into an international company. And over the past 10 years, a team of very capable logistics professionals in Poland has built a company based on solid pillars. Today, nearly 70 employees offer tailor-made logistics solutions for all modes of transports to customers from various industries.

The first business unit established in NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o. was the road business unit. In the beginning, the department mainly handled shipments from Poland to Germany. “At that time, there were four employees in the Polish national company, who were dealing mostly with full truck loads and general cargo”, Magdalena Guzowska, Managing Director of NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o. recalls. In later years, silo transports and other special forms of international road transport were added.

It is safe to say that NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o. has grown with the market and thanks to its customers. Currently, the company has three offices, located in the largest cities in Poland. Since 2020, the team offers sea freight services and 2022 meant the beginning of the Warsaw branch, responsible for organizing international air freight services. 

“Over the 10 years we have been on the market, we have gained a lot of experience in many projects. We know that customers have different expectations for freight forwarding, so we analyze all possibilities before starting cooperation”, explains Magdalena Guzowska. This helps tremendously when creating the optimal logistics solution for customers.

One of these solutions is the tipper transport service that started in February 2024. It was the result of previous cooperation: “We gained substantial experience while serving some of the largest agricultural companies in the country”, Magdalena Guzowska remembers. The team in Poland also brings a lot of expertise to the table when it comes to refrigerated transport for renowned customers.

Another important part of the success: “We always appreciate logistical trends and use them to further develop existing services by complementing them with new transport solutions, as well as through certification and staff training”, explains Magdalena Guzowska. She is also thanking employees, business partners and customers for being alongside the company for every step on its remarkable path: “We are ready for another ten years full of passion, growth and success! Thank you for being with us!”
