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NOSTA Group Welcomes 22 New Apprentices

Osnabrück-based full-service logistics provider is offering first stepping stones in a variety of careers

  • Commercial apprenticeship in freight forwarding and logistics services is the most popular
  • Osnabrück-based full-service logistics provider relies on shared onboarding for all apprentices
  • Diverse apprenticeship programs appeal to a wide range of interests 

Osnabrück, August 6, 2024 – A total of 22 future logistics professionals from all over Germany start their apprenticeships at NOSTA Group with three days of getting to know each other and many new impressions. Once again in 2024, the Osnabrück-based full-service logistics provider is offering the first career stepping stones in a variety of careers. Commercial apprenticeships in freight forwarding and logistics services are particularly popular this year. Among the 22 newcomers, the company also has three dual students and a one-year intern who are also starting their time at the international family-owned company.

"The first few days at a new company are often a challenge for many young people. They are faced with a variety of interesting impressions and meet many new colleagues," says Alischa Reitz, training manager at NOSTA Holding GmbH. This is why the Osnabrück-based company has made a conscious decision to provide a detailed and planned onboarding process. "We want our apprentices to get to know NOSTA Group in a relaxed atmosphere and as a team before they are introduced to the practical side of things," explains Reitz. This is why the apprentices meet at Hof Schlamann in Lengerich to get to know each other and discover their new employer.

"Over the course of the first day and a half, we focus on the values and corporate culture of NOSTA Group. The apprentices also undergo training on how to communicate via email, on the phone and in external and internal personal communication," explains Reitz. The new recruits then visit a few selected company locations in the Osnabrück region. Among other things, the specialists of tomorrow are given an insight into the Ladbergen warehouse location and the Container Terminal Osnabrück (CTOS), in which NOSTA Group is also involved.

With a total of twelve new colleagues, commercial apprenticeships in freight forwarding and logistics services are particularly popular with this year's apprentices. In addition, four warehouse logistics specialists and two IT specialists for system integration are starting their apprenticeships at the full-service logistics provider. Dual students complete a business administration course at the NOSTA Group and attend lectures and seminars at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. "With this broad spectrum, we appeal to as many different interests as possible so that we can recruit specialists for our exciting industry in the long term," says Reitz, explaining the wide variety of apprenticeships on offer.

The majority of the apprentices will be part of the teams at the locations in Osnabrück and Ladbergen. "A total of 14 of our 22 new colleagues will be based at these two branches," says Alischa Reitz, citing some of the numbers. In addition, the branches in Bielefeld, Dortmund, Hamburg, Schwerte, Siebenlehn, Stadthagen and Viernheim will be strengthened by at least one new addition. "Dortmund, one of our locations for sea and air freight, was also able to recruit a second apprentice for freight forwarding and logistics services," explains Reitz.

When selecting apprentices this year, Reitz and the team in the HR department focused primarily on the interest and motivation of the applicants. "Of course, we don't completely lose sight of school results. But if a motivated young person with a real enthusiasm for logistics is sitting across from us in an interview, then that is very important for our decision," says Reitz. NOSTA Group offers tailor-made training models at its locations for these enthusiastic people. "The one-year internship in the current year is a good example of our ability to adapt to the needs of our apprentices. Part-time apprenticeships are also possible with us at any time."

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